Paul Lacey explains how three pieces of artwork have equipped and encouraged Aston SMC to live out their calling.
This article was published in the January to April 2021 issue of Rapport magazine.

This is the most recent piece of art added to our prayer room and is by a local Birmingham artist. We have found this piece really helps to focus our hearts and minds upwards to the Lord. There is a real sense of reaching out towards God as we pray, and we also have the reminder of those amazing words of Jesus that the Kingdom is at hand and so all we need to do is grab hold of it. There is also a real sense of yearning for those things of God’s Kingdom we don’t see yet in our community of Aston.

A reminder that God equips those He calls. This is all about receiving from God what He has for us individually, as a Community and also a reminder that we are called to be facilitators of this for other Christians and the church in general in our neighbourhood. Trusting in God to provide all we need spiritually, financially, relationally for our ministry here in Aston.
Urban Party

This piece is by the same artist as Equipping and was gifted to me as she felt that it was specifically given to her as a piece for me. It speaks to us of what we are inviting people into, the reminder of that beautiful end to Scripture where there is celebration in the City of God. We are heading towards an urban party with every tribe, nation and tongue present to celebrate God’s presence and glory. It reminds us of Jesus’ ministry of hospitality (both giving and receiving), and the call on us to show this sort of hospitality too – to invite others to experience relationship in order to communicate Christ.
We also in these three images see a pattern of how God works in us His people. As we seek Him and reach for Him, He meets with us and pours out His Spirit, He equips us as His people with all we need and then sends us out to bring others to Him, leading us back in thanksgiving and praise to God and so the cycle continues …
Paul Lacey
Leader, Aston SMC